dublabの開局25周年を記念し、Carhartt WIPとdublabがコラボレーションしたカプセルコレクションが発表されました!このコレクションと連動したワールドツアーが展開され、ロサンゼルスを皮切りに、ケルン、バルセロナ、そして最終地点である東京・Carhartt WIP Store Shibuyaに上陸します。このメモリアルなイベントに集うアーティストたちのサウンドが、特別な体験を提供します。会場へ足を運べない方は、dublab.jpでのライブストリーミングを通じてリアルタイムでお聴きいただけます。当日は会場でカプセルコレクションも販売され、商品の詳細は近日公開予定です。この記念すべきイベントで、dublabとCarhartt WIPのコラボレーションが生み出す音楽を、ぜひお楽しみください。
※ スタッフ等が写真撮影または動画撮影を行う可能性がございます。撮影された写真、映像等は、dublab.jpやCarhartt WIPの公式サイトやSNSなどで公開される可能性がありますので、予めご了承ください。
Carhartt WIP dublab radio tour
会場:Carhartt WIP Store Shibuya(〒150-0041 東京都渋谷区神南1丁目15-2)
18:00‐19:00 Chloé Juliette
19:00 - 19:40 角銅真実
19:40 - 20:40 Akie
20:40 - 21:20 Yosi Horikawa
Akie / Chloé Juliette
角銅真実 / Yosi Horikawa
大阪の中古レコード店''raregroove"での約2年の勤務を経て、大学卒業を機に同じく大阪にある"newtone records"に入店し、現在に至るまでレコードバイヤーを務めている。関西を拠点にDJ活動を開始。現在は東京に拠点を移し活動。バイヤー、DJ共にオールジャンルを扱っている。ブリストルのレーベル〈do you have peace?〉よりミックステープをリリース。
Tokyo-via-Osaka DJ and selector Akie
She has cultivated an ear for rare sounds since coming of age, working for collectors’ favorite record store Rare Groove in Osaka. Now in Tokyo, she is a buyer for newtone records and released a mixtape on Bristol label do you have peace? in early 2022. Her mix is an exercise in restraint, effortlessly taking you exactly where your mind needs to be.
Chloé Juliette
2023年からDOMMUNEでは、SNS以降のフレンチカルチャーの今世紀的先端解読を試行する新番組「Nouveau DICTIONNAIRE français」のレギュラーMCを務める。
Tokyo-based, Paris-born Chloé Juliette has learned her art with the greatest Japanese selectors. She has carved herself a unique position as a selector who can do it all, bridging the gap between free jazz, acid house and deep-listening soundscapes. Usually found at Tokyo's audiophile venues, she also moonlights as a talk-show host on DOMMUNE, decoding French culture in the post-social media age. Her guest mixes have been released on numerous radio stations and labels. She is a member of the party collective WAIFU, which is working on creating safer nightlife spaces for trans, queer and femme folks.
Manami Kakudo
自身の声、打楽器、言葉、身の回りのあらゆるものを用い、様々な録音作品への参加、インスタレーションやダンス 映像作品・CMの音楽を担当するなど、作家としての自由な表現活動を国内外で展開している。
A musician and percussionist, raised surrounded by mountains and rivers in Nagasaki Prefecture, JAPAN.Engages in free expression activities such as music composition and performance, using various percussion instruments including the marimba, their own voice, words, and everyday objects.Released solo album "Contact" in January 2024.In addition to their solo work, contributes music production and composition to films, stage productions, dance, and installation art pieces.
Yosi Horikawa
環境音や日常音などを録音・編集し楽曲を構築するサウンド・クリエイター。 これまでの作品、2012年『Wandering』、2013年『Vapor』、2019年『Spaces』それぞれ、Time Out、The Japan Times、The Guardianなど、多数媒体でのBest Album of the yearに選出される。 リリースの度にワールドツアーを行い、Glastonbury、Sonar、Mutek、Ozoraをはじめとする多数の世界的大型フェスティバルに出演。また自身の音楽制作過程を追った、ドキュメンタリームービー『Layered Memories』(2016年)が話題となった。2024年には仏 Le Mans, CTTMにあるヨーロッパ最大の無響室にて日本人初のライブ、1759年創設の英 Kew Gardensの為に会場音楽を作製するなど、幅広く活動している。
A sound creator who records and edits environmental and everyday sounds to create music.In 2012 Yosi signed to London’s First Word Records releasing the Wandering EP to worldwide acclaim from the likes of DJ Food, XLR8R magazine and more. In June 2013, Yosi released his first album “Vapor”. This album was named Best albums of 2013 by many presses including Japan Times,FACT Magazine, Bandcamp, Create Digital Music, etc.In 2017 RBMA released the documentary « Layered Memories: Searching For Sound » A film about Japanese sound explorer Yosi Horikawa.Yosi toured from Asia to US via Europe successfully and performed in many festivals like Glastonbury, Sonar, Mutek, Ozora, Naves Matadero etc. and previously at the Biennale Le Mans Sonore.In 2019 he released the album « Spaces » on his own label « Borrowed Scenery » co founded with Daisuke Tanabe.
In celebration of dublab's 25th anniversary, Carhartt WIP has collaborated with dublab on a capsule collection. The tour has been held in Los Angeles, Cologne, and Barcelona. The final stop will be at Carhartt WIP Store Shibuya in Tokyo. High quality speakers made by TAGUCHI and music and performances by great artists for the 25th anniversary will provide a special experience. For those who can't make it to the venue, you can listen to the music in real time via live streaming on dublab.jp. A capsule collection will also be available for purchase at the event, details will be announced soon. We hope you enjoy the music created by the collaboration of dublab and Carhartt WIP at this memorable event.
*Due to the limited space at the venue, admission may be restricted in some areas during busy times. Please understand this beforehand.
*Items for sale will be displayed in the venue as they are during normal business hours. In the event of any trouble, such as staining, you may be asked to purchase the items.
*There is a possibility that staff may take photos or videos. Please be aware that any photos or videos taken may be shown on dublab.jp, Carhartt WIP's official website, SNS, etc.
Carhartt WIP dublab radio tour
Date:Friday, November 15, 2024, 6PM~9:20PM
Venue:Carhartt WIP Store Shibuya(1-15-2, Jinnan, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-0041, Japan)
Admission: Free
Sound system: WHITELIGHT
18:00‐19:00 Chloé Juliette
19:00 - 19:40 Manami Kakudo
19:40 - 20:40 Akie
20:40 - 21:20 Yosi Horikawa
Akie / Chloé Juliette
Manami Kakudo / Yosi Horikawa